Spring '24 (01/22/24~05/10/24)
Teaching Hours
MATH 214A (Linear Algebra): MWF 8:20a~9:10a @ 210 McGregory
MATH 487 (Real Analysis II): MWF 9:20a~10:10a @ 202 McGregory
MATH 214C (Linear Algebra): MWF 12:20p~1:10p @ 210 McGregory
Office Hours (in 215 McGregory)
MWR 2:30p~4p
To meet me outside regularly scheduled office hours, email me to confirm.
MATH 214 students: You are strongly encouraged to post lecture- and HW-related questions (anonymously) on Ed Discussion, accessible through the Moodle class site.
I will not respond to such questions via email.
Research matters
Editorial requests
To potential editors: I can only referee papers in the following two areas most aligned with my current research focus:
Interacting particle systems, and problems related to convergence of Markov processes.
Within the limits of my expertise, I can deliver a high-quality referee report that will be useful for you and the author(s).
I apologize in advance if I cannot meet your request.
Useful Seminar information
The One World Probability project
Christina Goldschmidt's list of online probability seminars
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